
Filtration and Purification Services

Sun Coast has developed a comprehensive service designed to complement all aspects of your plant maintenance timeline. Whether you use our routine purification services to extend equipment life or you depend on our turnaround and commissioning services for quick and reliable start ups, we have the ability to deliver pure performance.

Sun Coast’s EH&S programs ensure that all work is performed to the highest safety and environmental standards and with a “zero-incident” mindset to eliminate personal injuries, work-related illnesses and environmental incidents.

Sun Coast is a proud marketer of Chevron’s ISOCLEAN Program that provides both products and services for a proactive approach to achieve lubrication excellence.

ISOCLEAN Lubricant Services 

  • Fluid Filtration & Dehydration
  • On-Site Purification
  • Varnish Removal/Mitigation
  • Reservoir & Tank Decontamination
  • High-Velocity Oil Flushing
  • System Decontamination
  • Condition Monitoring & System Audits